Wednesday, July 21, 2010

When "The Good News" is viewed as bad news.

The simple message of the gospel is this,

Somewhere along the way we've changed the simple message to Jesus Loves You if you're good. But before you can feel the love of Jesus you need to make sure your life is in order. This is bad news. Then we add to scripture by saying Jesus loves you only if you don't get drunk, sleep around, cuss like a sailor, and smoke anything that grows out of the ground. You need to get your life in order and then Jesus will "really" love you.

I was reminded this week of how powerful this simple message is - just as long as we keep it simple. There is a verse in scripture that says, God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Meaning, while life is still a wreck, while we're stuck in addictions, when we're angry, full of lust, high on whatever our current drug of choice is, Jesus loves me...

A mentor of mine once told me that there is nothing that I can do that will make God love me more than He already does. In-fact, God doesn't just love you, He's extremely found of you.

I've learned something powerful about this simple message. It brings hope. Because Jesus loves me I can conquer addictive sin, and be the person that God has created me to be.

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

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