Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Song?

Many people will disagree with me on this... It seems there are always cynics. but I happen to enjoy new years. I like the idea of starting over. A new year, a new me. Because lets face it, there are things about me that need to change, like my singing. Let me explain.

When it comes to Jesus, I tend to sing old songs. They are great songs, I mean, I like them. They are easy to sing, I'm not being stretched and forced to learn new things. I'm comfortable with these songs, they worked in the past so why wouldn't they work now? Now I'm not actually talking about worship songs (as many of you know the vibration of my vocal cords on many occasions frightens even young children). I'm talking about how I worship God in general.

I was reading psalm 96:1 where it says, "Sing to the Lord a new song" and immediately I didn't like that verse. My mind began racing, looking for reasons to justify my distaste for trying something new. It seems that I'm very comfortable worshipping God in the ways that make me, comfortable. For example, I like reading the Bible, but I hate doing cheesy spiritual devotions. I like worship music when I drumming, I hate singing it because I can't hit a note to save my soul! I like praying before dinner, Its usually short and sweet because I'm hungry. I don't like fasting and having a "quiet time" because I get hungry and side tracked if I pray longer than two minutes. You get where I headed with this.

And then it hit me! Would it really be to much for me to worship God in a new way? I mean really! What if I just tried to worship God in new ways that were challenging for me? Would God appreciate it? Would I feel "closer" to God? What if I didn't, would that be a bad thing?

So I'm left with the question. How will I sing a new song in 2011?